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Sunday, 17 July 2016

Latest Workshop list

Hi Folks,
Victor has sent this list of the proposed workshops.
If you are interested email workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk

List of Workshops run by the Library

 57 – July 20th 2016 :-   Lay Subsidies, Poll Tax, Hearth Tax etc, class ‘E179’ at TNA ” :-  A workshop aimed at finding and using the records in The National Archives.  The database to E179 is the index to places, and can identify which original records include names and dates. These are essential in confirming your research and expanding the knowledge of your ancestors especially before parish registers. - Joyce Hoad                                                                                             Please note the change of title even though the content remains the same.

58 – August 17th 2016 :- Your Family in History - A Timeline” :- A guide through history (1538-1914) briefly highlighting events and their effects on your ancestors lives. This is more in the form of a discussion group so that you can introduce events that affected YOUR ancestors. - Hilary Waters
58A – September 21st  2016 :- Your Society Needs YOU :- Transcribing, Checking and Editing of Society Publications”.  A workshop for volunteers interested in becoming transcribers, checkers and editors. Additional volunteers are needed to help with the production of new publications from original documents. Join this workshop to find out how you can help. - Barbara Phillips -  This is a repeat of the workshop first held in May 2016

 59 – September 28th 2016 :- “An Introduction to Family Historian - A Genealogy and Family Tree Software Computer Program” :- This workshop will provide an overview of this UK program. Content will include preferences, data entry, importing data from other programs, as well as introducing diagrams, reports and the adding of photos. It will also cover the method of recording sources and their respective citations. Aimed at beginners. - Brian Kirk – This is a repeat of the workshop first held in April 2016 


60 – October 19th 2016 :- “ Writing Family Histories” :-  This led- discussion group will not tell you how to write or even how to write up your family history but will help you to think widely about communicating you research to your chosen audience.  Pauline is not an expert at family history research but enjoys words, attends a creative writing group and edits our journal.  It would be helpful to bring a simple family tree of three generations or more, hand sketched is fine, and a timeline of events from the life of one of your ancestors. - Pauline Heathcote – This is a repeat of the workshop first held in November 2015

 61 – November 16th 2016 :- “ Brick Walls - Thinking Outside the Box – Mind Maps and other Methods” :- This workshop will try and suggest methods of thinking about how to overcome those ‘brick walls’ that every family historian meets.  It will use the attendees own stumbling blocks to discuss sources and how to set out the known facts and suggest research to help solve the problem.  Attendees' submitted brick walls will be used as case studies. - David Cufley – This is a repeat of the workshop held in March 2015

There will be no workshop in December

Thank you to all leaders and attendees for 2016

Watch this space for 2017 workshops!


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