Welcome to the NWKFHS Blog

Sunday, 31 December 2017

New NWKFHS program 2018-2019 is available

The New NWKFHS Program is now available on our old web www.nwkfhs.org.uk and it will be featured on the new web site when its launched early in the new year.
The Society celebrates its 40 anniversary in 2018. The programme has the new anniversary logo which will feature on our publications in the new year.
You can also find the Society events in the Journal of Kent History for publication.
Happy New Year.


Saturday, 30 December 2017

Volunteers wanted to assist with data entry at the Society Library.

Volunteers wanted to assist with data entry and processing.
If you can use a computer and either EXCEL or ACCESS Microsoft software programs, you can help NWKFHS by volunteering to manage some of the many resources stored at the library.
Volunteer 1 – entry of family history data.

Can you enter data into spreads-sheets (Excel) or Access tables that look like spread-sheets?
Volunteer 2 – to draw up spread-sheets.

Can you draw up spread-sheets and format the cells for others to take them over and input the data?

Volunteer 3 – to use ACCESS and administer databases.

Can you use ACCESS databases?
Can you create tables for data entry?

Can you design queries and reports in ACCESS databases?

Training available for volunteers.

If you can volunteer on a regular basis and can already use WORD or other Microsoft programs, we can provide training in data entry and processing. These will be new transferrable skills you can use to advance your family history research.

Please contact the library@nwkfhs.org.uk or David at president@nwkfhs.org.uk.

Sunday, 24 December 2017

GRO Indexes available at NWKFHS Joydens Wood

In 2017 the closure of a local archive gave the Society the opportunity to provide a home for the microfiche General Registry Office birth, marriage, and death indexes. This collection of fiche is available to members at the Society Library at Joydens Wood, Bexley every Wednesday from 10.00am to 4.00pm. See our web site for directions at www. nwkfhs.org.uk.
If you would like a list of these fiche please send an email request to library@nwkfhs.org.uk.
The fiche include not only the BMD indexes up to 1965 but also the overseas register indexes some from as early as 1796 to 1965.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Asking Grandparents

At the Society Library yesterday a prospective member made an interesting observation. He said 'We are the grandparents we wished we asked when we started our family history research'.
Perhaps over Christmas I should be dropping some QI facts into the conversations with the grandchildren!
A realisation I had some time ago wishing I had asked more questions of my grandparents when they were alive. C'est la vie ....
Have a happy Christmas
Best wishes

QI = 'Quite interesting', after the television program.