131 members turned out to attend the AGM on 28th April 2012 and heard Dr. Nick Barret talk about 'The Media and Family History'. Nick Barret is well known for his connection with the Who Do You Think You Are television productions and the Find My Past television family history programs. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Your Family History Magazine and President of the Family History Societies and a Trustee of the Society of Genealogists.
He explained what television producers look for when creating programs about family history and future developments in the media and for Family History Societies. The impact of commercial companies and how this has not only changed the way people research but the possible long term effect on Archives and Record Offices and Libraries.
Footfall is down in many Archives and how this could have a detrimental impact. Family History Societies need to adapt and they need to help all who are researching their family history, especially those starting out to understand that many records are not available on the Internet. Going along to an Archive, Records Office or Local Studies at a Library is important. Many records are not digitised and can be found there that will help and provide information about individuals, families, where they lived etc.
He also pointed out that Local History and Family History are not separate studies or areas of research but are closely connected, in fact they are two sides of the same subject. Local Historians study and research an area, occupations, who lived there, buildings and so forth, Family Historians research their ancestors and families, where they lived, their occupations. Members of FHS and LHS have a lot of expertise and knowledge and this is available to anyone who joins a FHS or LHS.
Other talks by Dr. Dr Ann Kneif on 'The Bevin Boys' and the always popular Michael Gandy entitled 'Seeing it through their Eyes - Social History Customs also took place.
More details and pictures can be found at A day in Sevenoaks.